Artistic Research

Elina Akselrud currently holds a University Research Assistant position, while working on her doctoral project “Artistic Interpretation in a Crossdicsiplinary Context - Late Piano Œuvre of Alexander Scriabin” at the Doctoral School for Artistic Research, University of Music and Performing Arts Graz. Her internal supervisors are O.Univ.Prof. Markus Schirmer and Univ.Prof. Dr.Phil. Deniz Peters, while Prof. Håkon Austbø and Prof. MPhil. Anna Gawboy, PhD are the external advisors.

The main concentration of her work is researching through practice on the use of the time, space, gesture, and timbre in a musical interpretation, and intersubjective artistic decision-making between multiple creatives working on a piece simultaneously in a crossdiscipinary environment. Among Elina’s public activities in the field of Artistic Research are presentations at the ARTikultationen 2022 (Graz, Austria), Orpheus Doctoral Conference 2022 (Ghent, Belgium), and the documentary film of an Intertwining Arts project “Vers le Mystère”, encompassing piano miniature of Alexander Scriabin interlaced with contemporary dance improvisation by Lea Orož (premiered live in Graz), has been released in 2023. During the same year Elina Akselrud has presentation based on her project “The Scriabin Sonatas Reimagined, Part 2” has successfully taken place during the VIII Art of Research Conference 2023 in Aalto, Finland. The cinematic version of the project has been released on December 30, 2023, while the live premiere will take place on February 29, 2024 at György-Ligeti-Saal MUMUTH in Graz, Austria, as part of the abo@MUMUTH seasonal program.